Amanda Accioly had a decade in finance when she decided there must be something more out there for her. It wasn’t that she disliked her career – she enjoyed it, she had a comfortable six-figure income, and a nice office. The problem was that, after she had kids, it didn’t feel like enough. 

She wanted to have more time for her family. She also had an internal voice that told her there was another way to share her talents with the world. So she started freelancing – first in a Done-for-You business operations capacity and, eventually, with the business strategy work she does now with her company The Lux Way

Tune in to hear her journey from freelancing alongside her full-time job to leaving the corporate world to focus on her new business. She shares the challenges, the gifts, and specific advice for others looking to carve this same path. 

Also mentioned in this episode:

The Swing Shift