Today, Anne Pillsbury works as a coach helping women in transition, but she too is a career pauser. She was a mom of 4 kids with a 16 year gap on her resume when her family needed her to return to work. It took a lot of effort, but she landed at a tech startup that she loved in a reasonably short time. How did she do it?
First, she set her intention. You’ll want to hear her powerful story about an index card and manifesting your destiny.
Second, she networked like crazy.
Third, she asked for exactly what she wanted. Even after she’d been told no. She asked for a chance. But she offered to work for free in return. They said yes.
In this episode you’ll also hear:
- How a windy, difficult paddleboarding adventure eventually showed her she was on the wrong career path
- Why she wishes she left her job earlier
- How she exceeded her business launch goals with a Friends and Family letter
- Why setting your top priorities is important to avoid feeling exhausted, depleted, and overwhelmed.
- An example of what a coaching relationship might look like including the length and format. And why you need to be motivated to change to make it work.
- Why you shouldn’t go back to school when you’re still figuring out what you want to do.
- Why Anne, who is a coach, works with her own coach
Mentioned in this episode:
Designing your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown